29 Financial instruments
The following tables summarize all financial instruments classified by categories according to IFRS 9:
- 1 Measured at fair values that are calculated based on observable market data (level 2).
- 2 Measured at fair values that are based on quoted prices in active markets (level 1).
Borrowings comprise a bond with a total net book value of CHF 99.9 million (December 31, 2022: two bonds with a total net book value of CHF 174.9 million) and a total fair value of CHF 98.5 million (December 31, 2022: two bonds with a total fair value of CHF 169.4 million) based on quoted prices in active markets. The fair value of the discounted contractual future cash flows is equal to the carrying amount of the variable interest bank borrowings. Refer to note 23 for further information. The book values of other financial instruments measured at amortized cost correspond to their fair values.