

The composition, general rights, duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd are pursuant to the Swiss Code of Obligations and the Autoneum Holding Ltd Articles of Association1, Organizational Regulations1 and Board Committee Regulations1.

Board membership

Pursuant to the Articles of Association1, the Board of Directors of Autoneum Holding Ltd consists of no fewer than three and no more than nine members. As of December 31, 2024 the Board of Directors comprised seven members, none of whom performed executive duties. The functions of Chairman of the Board and CEO are separated in order to ensure a good balance between the Company management and supervisory bodies.

Independence of non-executive members

The Board of Directors consists of nonexecutive members, and none of the members has exercised any operational activities for Autoneum in the three financial years preceding the reporting period. The members of the Board of Directors and the companies represented by them do not have any significant business relationships with companies of the Autoneum Group (but see here).

Permissible activities outside the Autoneum Group

According to §20 of the Articles of Association1, no member of the Board of Directors may assume more than 15 additional mandates and no more than five of these may be held with listed companies. This restriction does not apply to (a) mandates held with companies that control or are controlled by Autoneum Holding Ltd; (b) mandates assumed by a member of the Board of Directors by order of Autoneum Holding Ltd or companies under its control; (c) mandates held with companies that do not qualify as companies within the meaning of Art. 727, para. 1, clause 2 of the Swiss Code of Obligations. The number of mandates pursuant to (c) is limited to a total of 20. Mandates held with various legal entities that are under joint control or controlled by the same beneficial owner count as one mandate. Mandates shall mean mandates in comparable functions at other companies with an economic purpose.

Election and term of office and principles of the election procedure

The Chairman and the other members of the Board are elected individually by the General Meeting and for a one-year term of office, running from one Annual General Meeting to the next.

Board members can be reelected. They retire at the Annual General Meeting following their 70th birthday, unless the Board of Directors has lifted the age limit in individual cases. For Michael Pieper, the Board of Directors has made this limit void and proposed him to the shareholders for reelection in view of his outstanding personal commitment and significant shareholding in the Company, which is obviously supporting the further development of Autoneum.

Nominations for election to the Board of Directors are made with due regard for the balanced composition of this body, taking industrial and international management experience and specialist knowledge into account.

From left to right: Martin Klöti,
Norbert Indlekofer, Michael Pieper,
Hans-Peter Schwald, Liane Hirner,
Ferdinand Stutz, Oliver Streuli.

Hans-Peter Schwald

Chairman | Swiss national (1959)

First elected to the Board Board member and Chairman since 2011 Educational and professional background lic. iur. HSG, lawyer; from 2017 to 2024 Senior Partner of BianchiSchwald LLC; since July 2024 Senior Partner of Valfor Rechtsanwälte AG. Other activities and vested interests Please refer to the remuneration report . Committees Chairman of the Strategy and Sustainability Committee; Member of the Audit, the Compensation and the Nomination Committee. Non-executive

Norbert Indlekofer

Vice-Chairman | German national (1958)

First elected to the Board Board member since 2017 . Educational and professional background Dipl. Ing. University of Stuttgart; from 2004 to 2006 Chairman of the Management Board, Transmission and Chassis Systems of INA-Schaeffler KG, Germany; from 2006 to 2009 Chairman of the Management Board Transmission and Chassis Systems of INA-Schaeffler KG as well as Chairman of the Management Board of LuK Group, Germany; from 2011 to 2014 Member of the Executive Board Automotive responsible for the Transmission Systems Business Division and Member of the Executive Board of Schaeffler Ltd, Germany; from 2014 to 2016 President and CEO Automotive Schaeffler Ltd, Germany . Other activities and vested interests Please refer to the remuneration report . Committees Chairman of the Compensation Committee and of the Nomination Committee , Member of the Strategy and Sustainability Committee. Non-executive

Liane Hirner

Board member | Austrian national (1968)

First elected to the Board Board member since 2021 . Educational and professional background MBA in Industrial Management, Accounting and Taxation from the Karl Franzens University in Graz; from 1993 to 2017 various positions, including Partner and Managing Director at PwC Vienna; since 2018 member of the Managing Board and CFRO of the Vienna Insurance Group, Austria . Other activities and vested interests Please refer to the remuneration report . Committees Chairwoman of the Audit Committee. Non-executive

Martin Klöti

Board member | Swiss national (1973)

First elected to the Board Board member since 2024 . Educational and professional background Federal diploma as Registered Licensed auditor/trusttee; from 1996 to 2002 auditor at Deloitte AG, Zurich; 20 years with Schweiter Technologies Group, as from 2014 as Group CFO and Member of the Group Managemen; since 2023 CFO and member of the Group Management Artemis Holding AG, Hergiswil, Switzerland. Other activities and vested interests Please refer to the remuneration report . Committees Member of the Audit Committee (since April 9, 2024). Non-executive

Michael Pieper

Board member | Swiss national (1946)

First elected to the Board Board member since 2011 . Educational and professional background lic. oec. HSG; owner and CEO of Artemis Holding Ltd . Other activities and vested interests Please refer to the remuneration report . Non-executive

Oliver Streuli

Board member | Swiss national (1988)

First elected to the Board Board member since 2021 . Educational and professional background Masters in Accounting & Finance University St. Gallen; from 2014 to 2017 Investment Banking at UBS; 2017 to 2019 Stadler Rail; from 2019 to 2023 CEO of PCS Holding Ltd; since 2023 CFO Rieter Group . Other activities and vested interests Please refer to the remuneration report. Committees Member of the Audit Committee (until April 9, 2024), Member of the Compensation Committee and of the Nomination Committee,  Member of the Strategy and Sustainability Committee (since April 9, 2024). Non-executive

Ferdinand Stutz¹

Board member | Swiss national (1957)

First elected to the Board Board member since 2011 . Educational and professional background Dipl. Giesserei-Ing. University of Duisburg; from 1982 to 1989 Operations Manager and Deputy Manager Foundry for Rieter Ltd; from 1989 to 1995 Department Manager, Co-partner and Executive Director of Schubert & Salzer, Germany; from 1995 to 1997 Executive Director of Georg Fischer Eisenguss GmbH, Germany; from 1998 to 2009 Member of the Management Board of Georg Fischer Ltd and CEO of GF Automotive; since 2009 owner and founder of Stutz Improvement Ltd. Other activities and vested interests Please refer to the remuneration report . Committees Member of the Strategy and Sustainability Committee, the Compensation and the Nomination Committee. Non-executive

  1. ¹ Ferdinand Stutz does not stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of April 2, 2025.

Internal organization

The Board of Directors is responsible for the business strategy and the overall management of the Autoneum Group and Group companies. It exercises a supervisory function over the persons who have been entrusted with the business management.

The Board of Directors is responsible for all transactions that are not explicitly reserved for the General Meeting or other bodies according to the law, the Articles of Association1 and the Organizational Regulations1. It prepares the Annual General Meeting and makes the necessary arrangements for implementing resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors has the following decision-making authority:

  • composition of the business portfolio and strategic direction of the Group;
  • definition of the Group structure;
  • appointment and dismissal of the members of the Group Executive Board;
  • definition of the authority and duties of the Chairman and the committees of the Board of Directors as well as the CEO and CFO of the Autoneum Group and the Business Group Heads;
  • organization of accounting, financial control and financial planning;
  • approval of strategic and financial planning, the budget and the Annual Report with business review, financial statements, consolidated financial statements and Remuneration Report;
  • principles of financial and investment policy, Corporate Responsibility incl. personnel and social policy, management and communications;
  • signature regulations and allocation of authority of Autoneum Holding Ltd;
  • principles of internal audit;
  • principles of compliance management systems;
  • decisions on investment projects involving expenditure in excess of CHF 10 million;
  • issuance of bonds and other significant financial market transactions;
  • incorporation, purchase, sale and liquidation of subsidiaries.

The Board of Directors comprises the Chairman, the Vice Chairman and the other members. The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the members of the Compensation Committee are elected for a one-year term of office by the Annual General Meeting. Apart from this, the Board of Directors is self-constituting. The Board of Directors appoints a secretary who does not need to be a member of the Board of Directors. The Vice Chairman deputizes for the Chairman in his absence. The Board of Directors has a quorum if the majority of members are present or if the Board members are able to communicate with each other by telephone, videoconference, internet or other electronic means. Mot ions of the Board of Directors are approved by a simple majority of the votes of the members present. In the case of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote. The agendas for the Board meetings are drawn up by the Chairman. Any member of the Board can also propose items for inclusion on the agenda. Board meetings are generally also attended by the CEO and the CFO, while the other members of the Group Executive Board attend as necessary regarding business matters concerning them. They give an overview of the results, outlook and budget of their operating units, and present those projects requiring the approval of the Board of Directors. Once a year, the Board of Directors reviews its performance, internal working methods and cooperation with the Group Executive Board. This takes the form of a self-assessment and includes an assessment of the state of information of Board members with regard to the Group and its business development.

Should there be a conflict of interest in the course of making decisions on business matters and items on the agenda, the respective Board member must stand aside prior to discussion of the matter in question and abstain from voting when passing a resolution.

In 2024, five regular meetings of the Board of Directors took place, lasting between three and a quarter to five and one-quarter hours. The meetings were held physically. One of these five meetings was held in a plant abroad, combined with a plant visit. The attendance rate was 100%. In addition, there were four videoconferences held with a duration of up to one hour. Over the course of 2024, no external consultants were present at meetings of the Board of Directors.


Besides the Compensation Committee, the Board of Directors appoints an Audit, a Nomination and a Strategy and Sustainability Committee from among its members in order to assist it in its duties. The committees are fundamentally advisory and preparatory bodies and have no decision-making powers; resolutions are passed by the Board as a whole. Each committee has reference to Board Committee Regulations1 specifying its tasks and responsibilities. The members of the Compensation Committee are elected by the Annual General Meeting. The Chairman and members of the other committees are elected by the Board of Directors. The committees meet regularly to develop recommendations for the Board of Directors and to prepare minutes of their meetings.

The Audit Committee currently consists of three members of the Board. Its Chairwoman is Liane Hirner; the other members are Hans-Peter Schwald and Martin Klöti (as of April9, 2024). Until April 9, 2024 Oliver Streuli was member of the Audit committee. In the 2024 financial year, none of the members of the Audit Committee performed executive duties.

The Chairman is elected for one year. The Audit Committee meets at least twice each financial year. The meetings are usually also attended by the Head of Internal Audit, representatives of the statutory and Group auditor, the CEO and the CFO, and other members of the Group Executive Board and management as appropriate.

The main duties of the Audit Committee are:

  • elaborating principles for external and internal audits for submission to the Board of Directors, and providing information on their implementation;
  • assessing the work of the external and internal auditors as well as their mutual cooperation and reporting to the Board of Directors on compliance with legal and regulatory requirements incl. those in connection with conflict minerals and child work;
  • assessing the reports submitted by the statutory auditors as well as the invoiced costs;
  • overall supervision of risk management and acceptance of the Risk Report to the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board;
  • assessment of the external audit on the non-financial reporting;
  • assisting the Board of Directors in nominating the statutory auditors and the Group auditors for submission to the Annual General Meeting;
  • examining the results of internal audits, approving the audit schedule for the following year and nominating the Head of Internal Audit.

The Audit Committee met for three regular meetings and a videoconference in 2024 of one to four hours. All committee members also received the written reports from the internal auditors. Except for the representatives of the statutory and Group auditor, in 2024 no consultants participated in the meetings of the Audit Committee. All committee members participated in all four meetings.

The Compensation Committee consists of four members. The Chairman of this committee is Norbert Indlekofer. The other members are Hans-Peter Schwald, Ferdinand Stutz and Oliver Streuli. The committee meets whenever the need arises, but at least twice a year. It draws up the principles for the remuneration of members of the Board of Directors, the Group Executive Board and senior management within the Autoneum Group, in particular bonus programs and share allocation plans (LTI), taking into consideration the Corporate Responsibility targets of the Group, as well as the Remuneration Report and the proposals concerning the total maximum remuneration amount for the Board of Directors and Group Executive Board to be submitted annually by the Board of Directors for approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. In addition, the Compensation Committee, together with the Nomination Committee, is responsible for all topics related to human beings, human rights and people development.

The Nomination Committee consists of four members. The Chairman is Norbert Indlekofer. The other members are Hans-Peter Schwald, Ferdinand Stutz and Oliver Streuli. The committee meets whenever necessary, but at least twice a year. This committee stipulates the profile of requirements and the principles for selecting members of the Board of Directors and prepares the election of new members of the Group Executive Board and their terms of employment. It is also briefed on succession plans for the Board of Directors, Group Executive Board and senior management and the relevant development plans. In addition, the Nomination Committee, together with the Compensation Committee, is responsible for all topics related to human beings, human rights and people development.

In 2024 the members of the Compensation and the Nomination Committee held three regular meetings of between three and four hours. All committee members attended all meetings. In 2024, no external consultants were present at the committee meetings.

The Strategy and Sustainability Committee consists of three members: Hans-Peter Schwald is Chairman; Norbert Indlekofer, Oliver Streuli (since April9, 2024) and Ferdinand Stutz are the other members.

The Strategy Committee usually meets at least twice a year. The meetings are also attended by the CEO and the CFO, and other members of the Group Executive Board and management as appropriate.

The main duties of the Strategy and Sustainability Committee are:

  • supporting and assisting the Board of Directors in strategic planning, especially in assessing market changes and developments affecting the Group;
  • assessing Autoneum’s short and long-term strategic orientation, in particular with regard to markets, customers, competitors, products and technologies, as well as
  • supporting and assisting in all sustainability topics concerning the planet Earth;
  • a.o. in reducing greenhouse gas emissions (climate change), sustainable processes and standards, sustainable products, responsible waste management and environ mental risks
  • support of strategically important projects.

The Strategy and Sustainability Committee met in 2024 for two meetings of one and four hours, respectively and held a workshop of two days. All committee members attended all meetings. In 2024, no external consultants were present at the committee meetings.

Allocation of authority

The Board of Directors delegates operational business management to the CEO. The members of the Group Executive Board report to the CEO. The allocation of authority between the Board of Directors and the CEO is stipulated in the Organizational Regulations1, while details of the tasks reserved for the Board of Directors can be found here (“Internal Organization”). The cooperation between the Board of Directors, the CEO and the Business Groups is stipulated in the Group’s Organizational Regulations1, which include the following: The CEO draws up the strategic and financial planning and the budget with the Group Executive Board and submits it to the Board of Directors for approval. He reports regularly on the course of business as well as on risks and changes in personnel at the management level. In addition to periodic reporting, he is obliged to inform the Board of Directors immediately about any business transactions of fundamental importance.

Information and control instruments regarding the Group Executive Board

The Board of Directors receives a written monthly report on the key figures of the Group and the Business Groups from the Group Executive Board. This provides information on the income statement, the balance sheet, the cash flow statement as well as on capital expenditure. The figures are compared with the budget and with the previous year. The Board of Directors is also informed at each regular meeting about the course of business, important projects and risks, as well as ongoing earnings and liquidity development. Furthermore, the Chairman of the Board of Directors has a regular monthly meeting with the CEO and the CFO with respect to all major issues of corporate policy.

Should the Board of Directors have to rule on major cases according to the Organizational Regulations1, a written request is submitted prior to the meeting. The projects approved by the Board of Directors are monitored within the context of a special project controlling.

Once a year, the Board of Directors discusses and decides on the strategic plans drawn up by the Group Executive Board, the budget and the financial plan. Financial statements for publication are drawn up twice a year.

The Board of Directors has initiated and implemented a comprehensive internal control system for risk monitoring in connection with business activities, which covers risk identification, analysis and control as well as risk reporting. Refer here for details on this risk management process and on financial risk management.

All members of the Board of Directors, the CEO, the CFO and appointed members of the management receive the internal audit reports. Internal audit conducted seven regular audits in 2024. The results were discussed in detail with the Business Groups and the companies concerned, and appropriate measures have been initiated and monitored accordingly.

Compliance program and code of conduct

The Compliance Program of Autoneum aims at steering compliance with laws and regulations in order to ensure proper management of the Group and initiate measures for avoidance and early detection of infringements. Further information on compliance and the Code of Conduct can be found at