4 Segment information
Segment information is based on Autoneum Group’s internal organization and management structure as well as on the internal financial reporting to the Group Executive Board and the Board of Directors. The chief operating decision maker is the CEO. EBIT is used to measure performance, as the management believes that this information is most relevant in evaluating the results of the respective segments relative to other companies operating in the same industry.
Autoneum is the leading global automobile supplier in acoustic and thermal management for vehicles. Autoneum develops and produces multifunctional and lightweight components and systems for noise and heat protection and thereby enhances vehicle comfort.
The reporting is based on the following four reportable segments (Business Groups/BG): BG Europe, BG North America, BG Asia and BG SAMEA (South America, Middle East and Africa). “Corporate and elimination” include Autoneum Holding Ltd and the corporate center with its respective legal entities, an operation that produces parts for Autoneum’s manufacturing lines, investments in associates and inter-segment elimination. Transactions between the Business Groups are made on the same basis as with independent third parties.
- 1 Assets in “Corporate and elimination” include investments in associated companies in the amount of CHF 19.6 million, refer to note 15.
- 2 Full-time equivalents including temporary employees.
- 1 Assets in “Corporate and elimination” include investments in associated companies in the amount of CHF 18.9 million, refer to note 15.
- 2 Full-time equivalents including temporary employees.
- 1 Revenue is disclosed by location of customers.
- 2 Non-current assets consist of tangible assets, intangible assets and investments in associated companies.
- 3 Domicile of Autoneum Holding Ltd.
One customer (BMW) accounted for more than 10% of annual revenue in both 2024 (CHF 382.6 million) and 2023 (CHF 350.7 million).
Information on revenue by product group is not available. The major customers generate revenue in all geographic segments.
When Autoneum is nominated by an OEM the contract includes that Autoneum will manufacture a tool which is sold to the OEM before the start of production and that Autoneum will produce and deliver serial parts to the OEM over the production period, which is usually between five and eight years. As the OEM’s production volumes are continuously adapted to the market demand, the number of serial parts that Autoneum will deliver to the OEM can only be estimated. Autoneum expects that the contracts for which Autoneum was nominated as of December 31, 2024 will generate revenue of CHF 11.5 billion (December 31, 2023: CHF 10.7 billion) in future years.